between forgiveness
oil and mixed media on canvas on panel, 48" by 48", 2015.

blue ruin
mixed media on canvas, 36" by 60", 2015
in private collection

under circumstances
oil, collage on canvas on panel, 49" by 49", 2015
On loan

undecipherable indentations
oil on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2015

edges (twilight)
oil on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2015.

green mountain walking
oil on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2015.

quickening dusk (for Lucien Segura)
oil, collage on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2012-14.

untitled (disorder)
oil, mixed media on canvas on panel, 7" by 10.25", 2015.

spring, autumn : light moment
oil, dry pigment, collage on canvas on panel, 7" by 10", 2015.

mixed media collage with found packaging, 2015.

mixed media and collage on paper, 4.75" by 6.25", 2015

oh true believer!
oil, collage on canvas mounted on panel, 9x12", 2014
in private collection

oil and collage on paper, 4.75" by 6.25", 2014
in private collection

an uncertain hour
oil, dry pigment, on linen on canvas, 9" by 12", 2016.

blue mt.
oil, dry pigment on salvaged canvas mounted on panel, 20.5” by 20.5”, 2008-2013.

lavendar flow
mixed media on paper, 4.75 x 6.25" (9 x 11" framed), 2015

mixed media and collage on paper, 4.75 x 6.25" (10 x 12” framed) 2015

as, was, at
mixed media and collage on paper, 5 x 6.25" (9 x 11" framed) 2015

between forgiveness
oil and mixed media on canvas on panel, 48" by 48", 2015.
blue ruin
mixed media on canvas, 36" by 60", 2015
in private collection
under circumstances
oil, collage on canvas on panel, 49" by 49", 2015
On loan
undecipherable indentations
oil on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2015
edges (twilight)
oil on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2015.
green mountain walking
oil on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2015.
quickening dusk (for Lucien Segura)
oil, collage on canvas on panel, 9" by 12", 2012-14.
untitled (disorder)
oil, mixed media on canvas on panel, 7" by 10.25", 2015.
spring, autumn : light moment
oil, dry pigment, collage on canvas on panel, 7" by 10", 2015.
mixed media collage with found packaging, 2015.
mixed media and collage on paper, 4.75" by 6.25", 2015
oh true believer!
oil, collage on canvas mounted on panel, 9x12", 2014
in private collection
oil and collage on paper, 4.75" by 6.25", 2014
in private collection
an uncertain hour
oil, dry pigment, on linen on canvas, 9" by 12", 2016.
blue mt.
oil, dry pigment on salvaged canvas mounted on panel, 20.5” by 20.5”, 2008-2013.
lavendar flow
mixed media on paper, 4.75 x 6.25" (9 x 11" framed), 2015
mixed media and collage on paper, 4.75 x 6.25" (10 x 12” framed) 2015
as, was, at
mixed media and collage on paper, 5 x 6.25" (9 x 11" framed) 2015