Goodbye 2017
The year began with the largest protests this country has ever seen. We gathered at AS220 to make signs - Smash the Patriarchy!!
Attacks on the middle class, minorities, the poor, immigrants, and women - America is great no more
The eclipse was exciting as an idea and event. But like our hopes for justice, it kind of just came and went
It felt like a year of loss and disease. Friends lost parents, parents lost memories
Though we may often feel at the end of our rope, through it all, we live and love and hope
Violetta discovered the funnies during 5 days with no power. She found joy in the newspapers we crumpled to burn during that darkest hour!
Chickens may disappear - but a few survived and we’ll get more next year!
Caterpillars ate our apple trees - but we will plant more and maybe get bees!
Even cancer can’t keep us down - it makes our kids and grandkids come into town!
Including the grandkid who is covered with fur - they all came to Detroit to visit Grandma Karen and Grandpa David this year
We camped and hiked in the woods. Violetta ate new foods (ok French Toast is basically the same as eggs and toast which she already was eating but it’s a new configuration of food so that kind of counts)
Neal made paintings of deep violets and blues - never has he exhibited more beautiful hues
David (Nonno) released a CD on Innova recordings - oh to be surrounded by such art world darlings!
Cristina and her dad went to Toronto to see the opera Arabella. And they accidentally drank a $700 bottle of 1987 Sassicaia
In Foster we had a Haunted Barn for Halloween. Maybe we will do it again next year, though the future is hard to foresee -
As there is no New Year’s bonfire on Paine Rd this year, which might be for the best because you would freeze your rear
As this year of braces and career changes comes to a close, where 2018 will take us - nobody knows
But Violetta will go onto 5th grade
We will cherish new and old friendships made
We will cling to friends and family like a life force
We will live each day and not wallow in remorse
We will fight the good fight and love ‘til the last
Goodbye 2017 - don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Happy 2018 - we hope you have a blast!
Sending love and best wishes for the New Year
Cristina, Neal, Violetta, Jackie and the chickens